
Du denkst, dass dein Auto nach einer gründlichen Handwäsche zu 100% sauber ist? Dann wirst du überrascht sein, welche Verunreinigungen ein Lackreiniger von deinem Lack entfernt.

Denn trotz Wäsche sitzt tief im Lack noch die ein oder andere Verunreinigung, egal ob Baumharz, Teer, Insektenreste oder einfacher Schmutz. All diese Stoffe müssen vom Lack runter, bevor ein Wachs oder eine Versiegelung aufgetragen wird. Ein Lackreiniger macht deinen Lack nicht nur glatt wie einen Babypopo, sondern er verlängert auch die Standzeit deines Autowachs oder der Versiegelung.

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Dodo Juice Lime Prime
Dodo Juice DJLP250 Lime Prime Pre-Wax...
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Dodo Juice Lime Prime
Dodo Juice DJLP250 Lime Prime Pre-Wax...
250 ml
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Verwechslungsgefahr! Lackreiniger und Autopolitur

Lackreiniger und Autopolitur ähneln sich zwar oft, sind aber unterschiedliche Produkte und haben damit auch unterschiedliche Einsatzzwecke.

Einsatzbereich Autopolitur: Eine Autopolitur wird verwendet um Kratzer zu entfernen und verwitterten Lack aufzufrischen. Dabei wird durch Schleifpartikel wie Kieselerde oder Aluminiumoxid eine dünne Schicht Klarlack abgetragen. Natürlich haben wir auch zu Autopolitur einen ausführlichen Artikel geschrieben.

Einsatzbereich Lackreiniger: Im Gegensatz zur Autopolitur enthält ein Lackreiniger meist nur sehr geringe Anteile Schleifmittel oder verzichtet komplett darauf. Seine Inhaltsstoffe zielen darauf ab den Lack von allen möglichen Rückständen zu befreien, um so eine optimale Grundlage für ein Autowachs oder eine Lackversiegelung zu legen.

Profi Tipp!

Um festzustellen wie Glatt dein Lack ist, kannst du beispielweise einen Gefrierbeutel oder eine andere Plastikfolie verwenden (z.B. Zigarettenpapierfolie). Damit fährst du nun vorsichtig über den Lack. Du wirst überrascht sein wie stumpf es sich anfühlt und anhört. 

Wenn du diesen Versuch nach der Behandlung mit Lackreiniger nochmal durchführst, wirst du allerdings noch viel mehr überrascht sein, wie Glatt sich dein Lack jetzt im Vergleich zu vorher anfühlt.

Dodo Juice Lime Prime - Der Lackreiniger den die Profis lieben

There are several ways of drying your car. Drying the car with a microfiber towel is one of them. It is a very common one for detailers, because microfiber towels are easy to maintain and re-use, and they minimize the risk of swirls.

Why dry with a microfiber towel

When drying a car, you can do this indirect or direct. Indirect means that you dry the surface without actually touching it (like using an air blowing device). Direct means that you dry the surface by touching it (like wiping it with a microfiber towel).
By drying the surface with a microfiber towel, you minimize the risk of swirls and marring, and you remove the water safely. Water isn’t just made out of water alone. Tapwater especially contains calcium and magnesium, together with several other minerals and trace-elements. When the water starts to evaporate, these minerals and trace-elements stay behind. When you are working on a hot summers day, the sunlight can actually have a little magnifying glass effect within the waterdrop. This can add to the process that etches the minerals into the paint. Making them very hard to remove, and literally damaging your paint on a very small level.

The types of drying

There can be several minor differences, but in essence, there are 2 ways of drying your car with a microfiber towel.

  1. The swipe and drag technique

    This technique is the most common one. The microfiber towel is either pulled over the surface or swiped. This is an effective way to dry the car fairly quick, but there is a very small risk that by dragging the towel over the surface, you create miniature swirls. There is a long lasting discussion between the supporters of this technique and the other technique.

  2. The drop and soak technique

    This technique is not as common, but has a strong group of supporters. The microfiber towel is gently laid down on the surface, allowing it to soak up the water simply by laying on top of it. When the water is absorbed, the towel is simply picked up and laid down on another surface. The advantage is that you don’t move the towel which minimizes the risk of swirls or marring. But it could take more time and perhaps even more different towels.

Both techniques have there pros and cons. The situation might be the answer to what technique is most fitting.

Pros and cons of using a (MF) towel to dry the car


  • It is a very effective way because microfiber drying towels can absorb a lot of water
  • The risk of marring and swirls is minimized
  • Microfiber towels will have little to no effects on very soft surfaces or very soft paint
  • A good microfiber drying towel is not only suited for drying, but can also be used to buff off polish, wax, sealant or to clean interior with if needed


  • Microfiber towels are not cheap, the good ones are a bit expensive
  • Although they are not difficult to maintain, they still need a bit of care
  • They are not as common to come by as an old t-shirt or blouse

Things to take into account

There aren’t many steps. There are 2 main techniques described above that pretty much sum it all up.
However, there are a few things you need to remember when using a microfiber towel:

  • When a towel is dropped on the floor, put it aside and don’t use it until it has been washed. There can be very small amount of dust, dirt, sand and other particles in the towel. Using it will spread those particles over your paint, and because of the sharp sand it can even scratch the surface.
  • Never wash a towel with fabric softener! The oils in this product will clog up the microscopic fibers. This will have a very negative impact on the performance that is almost impossible to undo.
  • Putting the towel in the dryer after washing can help clean out any dust or lint
  • As with many things, a good towel costs good money. The cheap towels are rarely worth the money spent

Bei Profis ist sicherlich Dodo Juice Lime Prime der am Abstand beliebteste Lackreiniger. Zurecht wie wir finden. Denn dieser Lackreiniger ist optimal dafür geeignet den Autolack für den Auftrag von Autowachs vorzubereiten.

Durch Mikro Schleifmittel, Reinigungszusätze und Polieröle wird die Lackoberfläche gereinigt und leichte Oxidation sowie Verschmutzungen effektiv beseitig.

Der Lack Reiniger von Dodo Juice kann mit der Hand oder einer Poliermaschine verarbeitet werden. Die 250ml große Packung ist dabei auch noch sehr ergiebig.

Dodo Juice Lime Prime Lackreiniger


Keine Rückstände auf Kunststoff- oder Gummiteilen

Optimal als Vorbereitung für Autowachs

Sehr ergiebig

Gute Reinigungsleistung

Hohe Lackglätte


Nicht als Vorbereitung für eine Nano-/Keramikversiegelung geeignet

Nanolex EX - Lackreiniger vollkommen ohne Schleifmittel 

Völlig ohne Schleifmittel kommt der Lackreiniger von Nanolex aus. Damit ist er im Gegensatz zu den meisten anderen Lackreinigern auch dafür geeignet den Autolack auf eine anschließende Versiegelung vorzubereiten. Denn mit Nanolex EX werden alle Öle,Fette,Wachse, Füller und andere Verschmutzungen entfernt. 

Ein Wachs kann man nach der Lackreinigung mit dem Nanolex Produkt natürlich trotzdem auftragen.

Ein weiterer großer Vorteil ist die einfache Verarbeitung. Einfach großflächig aufsprühen und mit einem Microfasertuch nachreiben. Einfacher geht es wirklich nicht.

Nanolex EX Lackreiniger


Für Wachs und Nano-/Keramikversiegelung geeignet

Einfache Anwendung

Ideale Vorbereitung für Versiegelungen



Prima Amigo - Ein Klasse Freund

There are several ways of drying your car. Drying the car with a microfiber towel is one of them. It is a very common one for detailers, because microfiber towels are easy to maintain and re-use, and they minimize the risk of swirls.

Why dry with a microfiber towel

When drying a car, you can do this indirect or direct. Indirect means that you dry the surface without actually touching it (like using an air blowing device). Direct means that you dry the surface by touching it (like wiping it with a microfiber towel).
By drying the surface with a microfiber towel, you minimize the risk of swirls and marring, and you remove the water safely. Water isn’t just made out of water alone. Tapwater especially contains calcium and magnesium, together with several other minerals and trace-elements. When the water starts to evaporate, these minerals and trace-elements stay behind. When you are working on a hot summers day, the sunlight can actually have a little magnifying glass effect within the waterdrop. This can add to the process that etches the minerals into the paint. Making them very hard to remove, and literally damaging your paint on a very small level.

The types of drying

There can be several minor differences, but in essence, there are 2 ways of drying your car with a microfiber towel.

  1. The swipe and drag technique

    This technique is the most common one. The microfiber towel is either pulled over the surface or swiped. This is an effective way to dry the car fairly quick, but there is a very small risk that by dragging the towel over the surface, you create miniature swirls. There is a long lasting discussion between the supporters of this technique and the other technique.

  2. The drop and soak technique

    This technique is not as common, but has a strong group of supporters. The microfiber towel is gently laid down on the surface, allowing it to soak up the water simply by laying on top of it. When the water is absorbed, the towel is simply picked up and laid down on another surface. The advantage is that you don’t move the towel which minimizes the risk of swirls or marring. But it could take more time and perhaps even more different towels.

Both techniques have there pros and cons. The situation might be the answer to what technique is most fitting.

Pros and cons of using a (MF) towel to dry the car


  • It is a very effective way because microfiber drying towels can absorb a lot of water
  • The risk of marring and swirls is minimized
  • Microfiber towels will have little to no effects on very soft surfaces or very soft paint
  • A good microfiber drying towel is not only suited for drying, but can also be used to buff off polish, wax, sealant or to clean interior with if needed


  • Microfiber towels are not cheap, the good ones are a bit expensive
  • Although they are not difficult to maintain, they still need a bit of care
  • They are not as common to come by as an old t-shirt or blouse

Things to take into account

There aren’t many steps. There are 2 main techniques described above that pretty much sum it all up.
However, there are a few things you need to remember when using a microfiber towel:

  • When a towel is dropped on the floor, put it aside and don’t use it until it has been washed. There can be very small amount of dust, dirt, sand and other particles in the towel. Using it will spread those particles over your paint, and because of the sharp sand it can even scratch the surface.
  • Never wash a towel with fabric softener! The oils in this product will clog up the microscopic fibers. This will have a very negative impact on the performance that is almost impossible to undo.
  • Putting the towel in the dryer after washing can help clean out any dust or lint
  • As with many things, a good towel costs good money. The cheap towels are rarely worth the money spent

Prima Amigo ist einzigartig. Es ist ein Lackreiniger und gleichzeitig eine Politur auf Polymerbasis. Damit ist es möglich bis zu 3000er Schleifspuren zu beseitigen. Verarbeitet werden kann es mit der Poliermaschine oder natürlich auch per Hand. 

Die milden Reinigungsmittel im Prima Amigo entfernen Oxidationen und lösen festsitzenden Schmutz sanft von der Oberfläche deines Autos. Dabei füllt es zusätzliche kleine Mängel im Lack auf und steigert somit nochmals den Glanz. Gerade für schwarze Autos ist es damit hervorragend geeignet. Aber auch jede andere Farbe profitiert von einer Behandlung mit Prima Amigo.

Prima Amigo Lackreiniger


Sehr ergiebig

Steigert Glanz und füllt kleine Kratzer auf

Einfache Anwendung



Sonax Lackreiniger - Hart an der Grenze zur Politur 

Im Gegensatz zu den bereits vorgestellten Lackreinigern ist der Lackreiniger von Sonax fast schon als Politur einzuordnen. Sogar Sonax selbst beschreibt ihren Lackreiniger als "kraftvolle Politur". 

Trotzdem handelt es sich bei dem Produkt um einen Lackreiniger, da im Gegensatz zu einer normalen Politur auch noch spezielle Mittel zum Lösen von Verschmutzungen und leichten Teerflecken in der Rezeptur enthalten sind.

Deshalb empfehlen wir den Sonax Lackreiniger auch nur für Lacke in einem eher schlechten Zustand. Man kann diesen Lackreiniger durchaus als Politur verwenden, um einfach und schnell sein Lackbild zu verbessern. 

Sonax Lackreiniger


Poliermaschinen geeignet

Bereitet stumpfe und verwitterte Lacke auf

Beseitigt feine Kratzer

Günstiger Preis


Kein Lackreiniger im eigentlichen Sinne

Rot Weiss Lackreiniger - Nicht nur Pommes sind Rot Weiss super

There are several ways of drying your car. Drying the car with a microfiber towel is one of them. It is a very common one for detailers, because microfiber towels are easy to maintain and re-use, and they minimize the risk of swirls.

Why dry with a microfiber towel

When drying a car, you can do this indirect or direct. Indirect means that you dry the surface without actually touching it (like using an air blowing device). Direct means that you dry the surface by touching it (like wiping it with a microfiber towel).
By drying the surface with a microfiber towel, you minimize the risk of swirls and marring, and you remove the water safely. Water isn’t just made out of water alone. Tapwater especially contains calcium and magnesium, together with several other minerals and trace-elements. When the water starts to evaporate, these minerals and trace-elements stay behind. When you are working on a hot summers day, the sunlight can actually have a little magnifying glass effect within the waterdrop. This can add to the process that etches the minerals into the paint. Making them very hard to remove, and literally damaging your paint on a very small level.

The types of drying

There can be several minor differences, but in essence, there are 2 ways of drying your car with a microfiber towel.

  1. The swipe and drag technique

    This technique is the most common one. The microfiber towel is either pulled over the surface or swiped. This is an effective way to dry the car fairly quick, but there is a very small risk that by dragging the towel over the surface, you create miniature swirls. There is a long lasting discussion between the supporters of this technique and the other technique.

  2. The drop and soak technique

    This technique is not as common, but has a strong group of supporters. The microfiber towel is gently laid down on the surface, allowing it to soak up the water simply by laying on top of it. When the water is absorbed, the towel is simply picked up and laid down on another surface. The advantage is that you don’t move the towel which minimizes the risk of swirls or marring. But it could take more time and perhaps even more different towels.

Both techniques have there pros and cons. The situation might be the answer to what technique is most fitting.

Pros and cons of using a (MF) towel to dry the car


  • It is a very effective way because microfiber drying towels can absorb a lot of water
  • The risk of marring and swirls is minimized
  • Microfiber towels will have little to no effects on very soft surfaces or very soft paint
  • A good microfiber drying towel is not only suited for drying, but can also be used to buff off polish, wax, sealant or to clean interior with if needed


  • Microfiber towels are not cheap, the good ones are a bit expensive
  • Although they are not difficult to maintain, they still need a bit of care
  • They are not as common to come by as an old t-shirt or blouse

Things to take into account

There aren’t many steps. There are 2 main techniques described above that pretty much sum it all up.
However, there are a few things you need to remember when using a microfiber towel:

  • When a towel is dropped on the floor, put it aside and don’t use it until it has been washed. There can be very small amount of dust, dirt, sand and other particles in the towel. Using it will spread those particles over your paint, and because of the sharp sand it can even scratch the surface.
  • Never wash a towel with fabric softener! The oils in this product will clog up the microscopic fibers. This will have a very negative impact on the performance that is almost impossible to undo.
  • Putting the towel in the dryer after washing can help clean out any dust or lint
  • As with many things, a good towel costs good money. The cheap towels are rarely worth the money spent

Auch beim Rot Weiss Lackreiniger handel es sich um einen Lackreiniger mit leicht abrasiven Bestandteilen. Diese entfernen leichte Kratzer und Verwitterungen. Dabei kann der Lackreiniger laut Herstellerangabe sogar auf nassem Lack verwenden werden.

Geeignet ist das Produkt für Lack, Acryl, Metalle, GFK, Gelcoat und Kunststoffe. Man kann den Rot Weiss Lackreiniger also nicht nur auf Autolack verwenden, auch für die Gelcoat Oberfläche bei Booten etc. eignet sind das Produkt um die Oberfläche aufzufrischen.

Absolut Wachs-, fett-, und silikonfrei ist dieser Lackreiniger außerdem auch noch. Damit wird also nichts nur kurzfristig kaschiert, sondern man erzielt ein dauerhaftes Ergebnis. 

Rot Weiss Lackreiniger



Wachs-, fett-, und silikonfrei

Entfernt Insekten- und Teerflecken

Geeignet für Lacke, Acryl, Metalle, GFK, Gelcoat und Kunststoffe



Verwandte Kaufberatungen und Bestenlisten

Von Severin Fath
Eine meiner größten Leidenschaften ist seit über zehn Jahren die Autopflege. Seit meinem 18. Lebensjahr wasche ich mein Auto ausschließlich per Hand. Im Laufe der Zeit hat sich ein ganzes Arsenal an Pflegemitteln angesammelt. Angefangen bei günstigen Microfasertüchern bis hin zu Poliermaschinen für mehrere hundert Euro. Auf diesem Blog empfehle ich die besten Produkte aus der Autopflegewelt.